Unemployed? Friendless? It doesn't matter why you have so much free time, these great blogs will help you waste away the tedious hours you have left on this earth.

November 29, 2008

5 signs you need to find a new place for trivia night.

1.  Lack of beer and/or an inadequate plan to provide beer.
2.  Moderator is a jerk.
3.  They plan a music category without ever having testing the sound.
4.  A heavy reliance on multiple choice.  (If you're writing a trivia question and realize that the only way to guide your audience to the answer is with multiple choice options, abandon ship.  You don't have a trivia question, you have a random fact that no one cares about.)
5.  The writer has an almanac and isn't afraid to use it - one tediously boring question after another.

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