Unemployed? Friendless? It doesn't matter why you have so much free time, these great blogs will help you waste away the tedious hours you have left on this earth.

June 14, 2009

Local rednecks, you're always saying git 'er done (it's so funny too.) Here are 5 things that you might get done.

1. Your GED.
2. Your roots.
3. The restoration of that "classic" Camaro sitting in your front yard.
4. Your teeth.
5. Your haircut (so far you've only cut the top.)


  1. You know, I saw a report on ABC showing a lady walking the legendary 6 miles to get her GED ... with all that working against them as well as crap facilities, it is little wonder that they become discouraged with school.

    I am just saying ... just saying ...
